JSW008 - Budget Process & Financial Literacy

Budget Process & Financial Literacy
Budget is the universal language between all areas of government. The Budget Process and Financial Literacy workshop will increase your fluency in public sector budgeting and financial management in the Government of Saskatchewan. This workshop will provide you with an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of various players in the budget process and how budget decisions are made in the public sector. We will examine the phases of the budget process, including strategic planning and decision-making; budget implementation; financial management; and, budget reporting, accountability and evaluation.
Online curriculum and full day, in-person workshop
Core Competencies Explored
Evidence & strategic thinking (economics & finance)
Course Outline
This course will explore the following topics:
- Planning & Accountability
- Financial Literacy: Key Concepts & Terms
- Financial Literacy: Government of Saskatchewan Reporting Entity
- Key Documents: Budget & Estimates
- Key Documents: Public Accounts
- Seek & Find Exercise
- Budget Process
- Mini-Case Study
Learner Outcomes
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
- Appreciate the elements of sound financial planning, management and accountability in public sector entities;
- Recognize the vital role that financial considerations play in policy and program development and management; and,
- Apply your knowledge of the financial planning and decision-making processes of government in your own work.
Please note that while the majority of our policy workshops are aimed at a broad public sector audience, this workshop focuses primarily on the Government of Saskatchewan's budgeting process.Applies Towards the Following Certificates
- Public Sector Workshop Series Certificate of Completion : Applicable Courses