JSW010 - Policy Development and Implementation

Policy Development and Implementation
Policy development and implementation are often described as distinct and separate stages within the policy cycle. In practice, policy development and implementation are integrally linked. This workshop will cover topics related to both processes and will help participants to understand the relationship and interdependence between them. During the policy development stage, both political and technical issues have to be addressed. Political issues include linking with government goals, getting buy-in, and setting a vision. Technical issues include gathering evidence and data of what works, analysis and design of options, implementation planning, and public consultation.
Online curriculum and full day, live, online workshop
Core Competencies Explored
Implementation & improvement (program & project management)
Course Outline
This course will explore the following topics:
- Introduction to policy
- Problem recognition & identification
- Policy research & building evidence
- Policy analysis & design
- Policy approval
- Policy implementation
- Policy review
Learner Outcomes
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
- Summarize the basics of the policy development and implementation process in the 21st century;
- Describe the policy cycle and how it links to other cycles in government;
- Identify a number of challenges and considerations you may encounter during the process; and,
- Apply strategies and best practices to effectively address these complexities.
Applies Towards the Following Certificates
- Public Sector Workshop Series Certificate of Completion : Applicable Courses