JSW013 - Strategic Thinking
Strategic Thinking
To make progress in economic and social policy, it is important to define a preferred future. A preferred future gives context to immediate decisions, it sets a general direction, and it allows you to monitor progress. Knowing where you’re headed also supports resilience and invites innovative and creative solutions. This workshop will get at the heart of strategic thinking so that public policy leaders can spend valuable energy on shaping their direction as they prepare strategies to get there.
Online curriculum and half day, live, in-person workshop
Core Competencies Explored
Evidence & strategic thinking (policy & context knowledge)
Course Outline
This course will explore the following topics:
- Lateral thinking exercise and debrief
- Tips & tools for strategic thinking
- Designing the futures
Learner Outcomes
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
- utilize tools to assess where you want to go before you embark;
- examine the importance of framing policy options and recommendations against a preferred future; and,
- consider what good looks like so you can assess progress and evaluate impact.
Applies Towards the Following Certificates
- Public Sector Workshop Series Certificate of Completion : Applicable Courses