JSW016 - The ABCs of CDIs
The ABCs of CDIs
Cabinet Decision Items (CDIs) are one of a number of important decision-making tools used by cabinet. This workshop is designed to provide Saskatchewan public servants with the knowledge and skills to better prepare cabinet documents. You will review the different types of cabinet documents, their functions and purposes, their organization and formats, and the importance of properly framing options and recommendations. You will learn practical tips and guidelines that will help you prepare and write better quality cabinet documents in the future.
Online curriculum and full day, live, in-person workshop
Core Competencies Explored
Connection & collaboration (communications)
Course Outline
This course will explore the following topics:
- Who is involved?
- Cabinet documents
- The ABCs
Learner Outcomes
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
- assess your audience and their needs;
- distinguish between well-written and poorly-written cabinet documents; and,
- apply tips and techniques to write better cabinet documents.
Please note that while the majority of our policy workshops are aimed at a broad public sector audience, this workshop focuses on how to write cabinet documents within the Government of Saskatchewan.Applies Towards the Following Certificates
- Public Sector Workshop Series Certificate of Completion : Applicable Courses