JSGEMS1 - Governance Essentials in the Municipal Sector (GEMS) Program

Governance Essentials for the Municipal Sector (GEMS)
Are you a member of a municipal council or perhaps an administrator or manager who works for a municipality? Do you strive to provide public programs and services that make your community and province a better place? Are there times when you struggle with how to get it all done and how to make the best use of everyone’s time and talents? If so, the GEMS Program can give you the insights, knowledge and understanding to govern your municipality, or provide support and advice to your elected, with confidence.
Requirements and Delivery
40 hours over 4 months. Online self-paced.
Course Outline
This program is a flexible, on-demand module-based program. The modules covered are:
- Municipal Governance in Saskatchewan
- The Council’s Role: Setting Direction
- The Council’s Role: Monitoring & Reporting
- Financial Stewardship Deeper Dive
- Future Focus & Infrastructure Stewardship
- Risk Management & Mitigation
- Conflict of Interest & Liability
- Corporate Culture & the Power of Teams
- Council Effectiveness
- GEMS Recap
Learner Outcomes
By the end of the program, you will be well equipped to:
- Understand municipal sector governance and its important nuances
- Understand roles and responsibilities of the Council within the areas of setting direction and monitoring & reporting
- Ask important questions and gain the necessary understanding to provide oversight of financial, infrastructure, and human resources stewardship, including the duty of care and fiduciary duty of Council members
- Deal with issues of risk and mitigation at the Council level
- Feel confident on legislative matters and issues of liability and conflict of interest
- Make informed decisions, establish a positive culture, and mitigate biases
Applies Towards the Following Certificates
- Municipal Sector Governance Certification : JSGS GEMS