
Tim Beattie's guitar masterclass is a transformative musical experience that captivates aspiring guitarists and enthusiasts alike. Tim, a virtuoso with a mastery of various guitar styles, welcomes participants into a world of musical intricacies and artistic exploration. Tim is an Associate Teacher of Guitar at the University of St Andrews (UK). He has been invited to carry out teaching residencies at the Alberta Strings Association, Calgary Classical Guitar Society, Mount Royal University, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, University of Alberta, University of Lethbridge, and University of Regina Conservatory. Tim dazzles with a live performance at 7:30 pm in room 210 on the Conservatory of Performing Arts, showcasing his unmatched prowess and inspiring attendees to continue their musical journeys with newfound motivation and knowledge. The masterclass leaves a lasting impact, instilling a sense of passion and determination in each participant to excel in their guitar-playing endeavors.
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