
Critically acclaimed soprano Andrea McCulloch began her singing career on a hay tractor in rural Alberta. She has since performed on concert and operatic stages throughout North America, including the Kennedy Center and Lincoln Center, and recorded on the NAXOS label with Opera Lafayette. More experimental productions include Songbook with Tapestry New Works, Opera Erotique and Chromesthesia with Out of the Box Productions in Toronto. Andrea was the Musical Director for My Virtual Dream, a collaboration with neuroscientists fusing art, entertainment, and research, which was presented in Toronto, Los Angeles, and Berlin. She holds a Master of Music degree from the University of Maryland Opera Studio and a Bachelor of Music from the University of Regina, where she continues her vocal research as an Interdisciplinary PhD candidate through the Faculty of Media, Art and Performance. Andrea teaches Vocal Techniques for Music Ed majors at the University of Regina and a speech and singing course for the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine. She is currently the President of the SRMTA, Regina Branch.
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